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sharky said:

Too bad X360 continues to sell better than PS3 by a huge margin.


It's not a dishonest company culture either. All I heard from fanboys was "MS will never make that 10 million they promised!! They are teh liars!!!11" well, they did make it, sorry about your luck.

MS is becoming the king of videogames, because they ship a better more reliable product at better prices with better games that people prefer to buy more than their competitors.


Look at Sony's PSN and what a terrible product that is. If Sony doesn't shape up and start delivering what consumers want, they get shipped out.


MS will establish a videogame monopoly in under two generations. Amazing,


That article was awful too, no wonder that guy writes for a shitty blog, no way a reputable publisher would touch that kind of libelous article, they'd get sued.


I like how in the beginning, he says that Vista sales suck. Then later, he says that MS threatened retailers with pulling Vista if they didn't order Xbox's. Umm, you just said Vista sucks, moron. Why would retailers care if a sucky product got pulled?


That article is just a joke, seems a lot of really bitter fanboys around these days.


I like how he only compares sales to Wii and not PS3 also L-O-L. Wii is not Xb360's direct competitor. PS3 is.


That's a pretty big collection of "misinformation" there. 

1.  MS promised they'd sell 10M consoles by the end of 2006.  In order to do so they shipped a whole bunch of consoles to retailers, forced them to be accepted knowing they wouldn't sell, just so they could announce that they met their goal.  It's not exactly an inspiring story for the 360's actual performance.

2.  They threatened to withhold Vista long before anyone knew for sure it wouldn't sell well - they were threatening to withhold launch stock if you'd pay attention to the article.  Launch stock almost always sells the first week even if it's expensive (see PS3 in Europe), of course they'd rather sit on some 360's in order to profit off the Vista launch.

3.  More reliable product?  Was that a joke?

4.  Just as an added tidbit, despite PS3's lethargy it is still outselling the 360 worldwide at this point, 360 is pretty weak in Europe in nonexistent in Japan.