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JaggedSac said:
vlad321 said:
Bitmap Frogs said:


So you would be willing to accept a job on which your employer paid you or not depending how happy he felt about you?

Knowing that he could use that excuse to not pay you when it was inconvenient to him?

Why don't you come over to Spain to work for me? I could use some helping hand that only gets paid for his job when I feel like paying his wage.


In georgia all contracts are at will. So yes, that's how it actually works. He could not like my haircut and he can fire me for that. Also, don't people get fired if they don't do their job? If the games failed at their job (entertain me) then they don't deserve to be paid (for). Also it's funny you should say that. I'm gonna start looking for work in a year or two in Spain. EU citizen and all and the colege will help me find a job there.


Yes, someone can be fired for not doing their job, but they must be compensated for the time that they spent working on said job.  At least that is how things get done in the US.  Protects the worker from unscrupulous people who would say the quality of work was unacceptable regardless of the actually results.  Thus, getting something for free, which should not have actually been free.

vlad is partaking of a product that of which he has no rights to.  The trading of money for a product(such as a digital copy of a game) is basically getting the rights to use said product.  vlad is giving no money, so has no rights to use said product, of which he does so anyway.  vlad is making the very odd assumption that everyone has the rights to use all products that are available in the world for free, and if he likes said product, he will compensate the provider accordingly.  This is a very odd sense of entitlement.  Especially given the assumption that all consumers would have the good grace to provide compensation based on the quality of the product.



Do you know how At Will employment works? They can fire me for ny reason they want. Anything whatsoever. I have no rights when it comes to it. If I haven't done a good job, I get fired. Plain and simple.

Also why should I pay for shit products? Please tell me why I should pay for games that outright blow. Isn't that the whole point of business and the free market? If you aren't up to snuff you dont get rewarded or go out of business?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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