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UK, Week 1:  Launch, 165k sold of 220k shipped

Normal people: It didn't even sell out, sales will drop off hard next week, everyone who wanted one already has one.

Sony fans: 165k sold records set Sony wins Europe!

UK, Week 2:  Sales drop 82% to 30k sold

Normal people:  See sales are dropping off already.

Sony fans:  Are you crazy 30k a week is awesome for such a small country, if it maintains that level forever Sony wins Europe!

UK, Week 3:  Sales drop again to 17k sold, outsold by Wii at 25k sold (360 still low at 11k sold)

Normal people:  PS3 isn't even winning anymore in its third week, it's dropped off just like in NA and Japan.

Sony fans:  Well, 17k isn't too bad if they keep it up every week, and we're still beating 360, who cares about the cheap fad Wii, Sony wins Europe!


Now, what happens when Week 4 rolls around and the PS3 has dropped again to 10k?  What will be the excuses then?