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vaio said:
Slimebeast said:
vaio said:
Slimebeast said:
vaio said:
Slimebeast said:
vlad321 said:
Slimebeast said:
^the lowest tier courts are jokes in Sweden. Generally they don't enforce the law but it's kinda random. Sometimes they suprise you like today.


When you stop generalizing then I might start concidering your arguments valid.


 I'm telling the truth. Sentences are extremely low in Sweden, criminals walk free, and courts are garbage (if they don't let the criminal go free, or flat out compensate him for being unjustly arrested, they pick the lowest possible penalty from the lawbook in 97% of the cases, it's praxis here).

Just look at the statistics. Sweden has 1 of every 10,000 citicens sitting in jail at any given moment, while the corresponding number in the US is almost 20 of each 10,000 citicens - nearly 20 times more! Now the US is on the other extreme, and probably more violent too, but u get at least an idea of how few criminals in Sweden are punished.





I never thought I would see the day when a fellow Swede thinks it´s allright to get his rights infringed upon.

They sentenced them without any real evidence, the only evidence they had was the american represntator word and not any real evidence.

Having a search engine and and upload engine is not illigal, what is illegal is what people do whit that engine and that has nothing to do with the piratbay guys.

Why aren´t they going after google or any other place that points you to torrnts you are looking for?

We who live in the real world know that this verdict was bought of by the hollywood people.

You don´t find it strange that the police officer that was in charge of this investigation also worked privatly for the holywood representatives?

You don´t find it strange that although evidence was presented to the judge about this he disregarded it?

You don´t find it strange that they were senteced as a group of people that colaborated wit the intent to distribute copyright material when it was proven in court (the judge disregarde this also) that it was not the case and that they never worked together the way they presented it?

You don´t find it strange that 2 hours befor the verdict was presented all the big news papers allready had knowledge of the outcome when ít isn´t allowed to let that kind of information out before the defendandts get to know?


Theese re just some of the things that are strange with this trial but i guess you don´t care as you don´t care how the infringe upon your rights with this verdict.

Sad day indeed when a fellow Swede swallows the propaganda from the hollywood people and the police that got payed from them.



 What damn "rights infringed upon"? The rights to steal games?

It's just stupid to say that The Pirate bay is just like Google. A 5 year old understands the difference. Of course the filesharers have their own responsibility, but that doesn't take away the responsbility of a site and group of people that organize and promote filesharing activities.

Hollywood has nothing to do with it. That's just commie conspiracy theories like the ones about jews running the world.

I am talking about our rights to fileshare and use a tracker to share files those are the rights they are infringing on.


Obviously you haven+t followed the trial and don´t ahve a clue what you are talking about and have bought in to the propagnada antipiratbyrån have made you think.

Did you follow the trial where it was proven that the police officer worked for the hollywood represetants at the same time as he gathered evidence for this case?

No conspiracy there solid evidense shown in the trial and you would know this if you followed the trial and not spreading lies about it like you did in the post above about commie conspiracies.

There is nothing illigeal to provide a tracker that enables people to share files.

I didn´t say google is the same as piratebay but you can reach the same results and even more hits if you use their search engine to find a movie you are looking for but according to you that is ok even though you get a bigger selection of downloads using google then using PB, talk about double standards.

You talk about their resposobilities but how the hell re they going to monitor 25 000 000+ users when this is a hobby venture with alot of volunteers?



 They did nothing when they were told to take down specific torrents multiple times.

That was the key part why they were sentenced guilty of crime according to the verdict details released.

Thay have only taken down things like childporn and thats the only thing they will ever take down and thats right of them it they want some other torrents to be taken down the people wanting this should and have to turn to the person resposible for uploading it and not the piratbay that only offers the tracker.

Wow you are brainwashed by antipiratbyrån.  

Su borde verkligen tänka om o använda ditt eget huvud till o se vart detta leder till o inte bara låta dig själv ledas som ett får av folk som vill begränsa dina rättigheter.

Skam hörnan väntar på dig där är en special plats för såna som dig.

(if I offende anone by writing in Swedish I am sorry mail me and I will translate it or use google to translte it for you).


Jag tycker inte folk ska ha rättigheter att stjäla av andra.

Förresten är det fortfarande inga som helst problem att slanga warez.  Att lägga upp dem, ja liten risk att åka dit, men att ladda ner är näst intill noll risk.