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zexen_lowe said:
They lost? I was following the case the first days and the prosecution didn't have an idea what BitTorrent meant!

I hope the appeal is succesful and the veredict is changed


That's why I was so surprised. The prosectution was utter shit. They tried using screenshots as evidence.



Hit the nail on the head. I've hit up to 3 megs a second from torrent sites which have anything I want right then and right there. I'd be watching a DVDRip in 10 minutes.Imagine this scenario which has happened a few times actually:

gf - "Wanna watch something?"

me - "yeah sure, what do you want?"

gf - "iono, but i don't wanna go out"

me -"just browse through this *random torrent site*"

gf - "oh I want Shawshank Redemption!"

5-15 minutes later: Watching a Shawshank Redemption.

Please tell me where I can do this?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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