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I have 3 much younger sisters. I'm 31, and they are 22, 19, and 17 (I think. They're girlz, so who really cares, right? You with me guys! YEAH! *high fives random guy gamer*). I've considered myself an expert gamer by the time I was 10.

My oldest sister could consecutively beat me in Mario Kart back in 1993. By the time Mario Kart 64 came out, it wasn't even close. My youngest Sister beat Donkey Kong 64, every Ratchet and Clank, every Jak game, and every Grand Theft Auto with the highest percentage possible by the time the credits roll. My middle sister.....well, she can spell Mario, I'm sure. Don't get me started on my 6 year old little girl. Gaming is my addiction. Two of these girls aren't even serious gamers, and I honestly believe they are better than me.