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BTFeather55 said:
I would think that most people posting on this site are under 30. Therefore, you have candy coated memories of how great the NES was. If you were born in the seventies instead of the eighties and had 2600s in their peak years, you will acknowledge that no home videogame hardware ever passed the 2600 in its prime.

I was born in 75 I am definitely over 30. I started gaming on the TRS-80 where I fast forwarded and rewinded data tapes to play Shark! and DK! in glorious black and white and the 2600 when I was around 5. I remember and played all of the games you mentioned. I killed more time on river raid than I care to remember. I wasted a ton of time on Spy hunter and begged for tons of quarters for Tempest and the wireframe Star Wars game. I dropped a ton of quarters in Pitfall two but never finished it. Even spent a ton on later games like Cadash in the Arcades.

Yes games like Berserk were fun I loved those game systems. Then the crash happened gaming had changed. Basically there is no way the Atari 2600 was better then the NES even with Nostalgia as afactor. There are far fewer games on the 2600 which give that nostalgia feeling compared to the NES. The sheer number of games as well as the Variety. The first time playing Dragon Warrior or Ultima, games like Mega Man and Contra or Ghost and Goblins. The number of memorable or good games were just to numerous to compare.