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BTFeather55 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
I have Popeye for the NES. Before you spout your incorrect comments and assumptions, you can just use Google or Wikipedia or even VGChartz now to look some of these things up.

I was trying to corner you in the Donkey Kong vs. Pitfall argument, where just about everything you said was wrong, but now that you're defending E.T. and the 2600 port of Pac-Man, it's obvious that you're trolling. Thanks for wasting my time.

Arcade games were still strong into the 90's. Just because you didn't like fighting games doesn't mean you get to rewrite history. Street Fighter 2 was one of the most successful arcade games of all time. You're also intentionally downplaying the market crash of '83 because you're pretending to like the games that were major causes of it (E.T. and Pac-Man).

The NES had better original content as well as better arcade ports. When you're not naming arcade ports, you're naming mostly shitty games that ruined the game industry. Atari was to blame. The corporate dooshbags who ousted Bushnell didn't know anything about the industry or quality control, so Atari didn't have any. This is basic video game history.

Nintendo's Seal of Quality was really hard to get. Nintendo actually had quality control. Atari is the reason Nintendo had to rule the industry with an iron fist as they recreated it. If it wasn't for that Seal of Quality and those crazy contracts, we would have had a flood of shitty games, JUST LIKE ATARI DID. And it would have ruined the industry again.

There's a reason why Nintendo wouldn't even let Atari make NES games, so they had to do so under a fake name, Tengen, and make almost all crap games, outside of their illegal Tetris port.


     Whether or not there was a NES version of Popeye is immaterial.  And it actually strengthens the point I made in that post that you guys think its alright that the NES had arcade ports while wanting to slight the 2600's library for the fact that most of the greatest arcade games of all time appeared there both first and exclusively in home versions.

      I wasn't defending the 2600 version of Pac-Man, but at least it was a legitimate version and not a bootleg like K.C. Munch whatever.  I will defend Ms. Pac-Man on 2600; however, it was a solid enough arcade port and not available on other systems at that time.

     I'm not naming shitty games.  As for original content  I'm naming classics from Activision that shaped the history of home console gaming that received a review score of 85 from IGN in their last anthology form.  And Activision is still around today with one of the best rated and selling game series on the market.

Don't say "you guys" and lump us all together as if we're a team.  You are being argued on all fronts by many members, because you are making a plethora of ludicrous claims.  Khuutra was arguing that you were counting too many arcade ports, and he didn't get to re-edit that YubeTube video to take out the arcade ports to make you happy.  He was just sharing a video that highlighted 100 awesome games.  Can you find one for the 2600?  I have never seen a single person argue that the 2600 had over 100 games worth playing.

Either way, I say go for it, count your shitty arcade ports.  NES had better arcade ports and better original content.

I was arguing that Nintendo had better platformers.  I really have no idea why.  It should be obvious.  Everybody knows Nintendo had the best 2-D platformers of all time, and re-invented the genre with SMB1 and 3, and raised the bar yet again with Super Mario World.  When people argue against Nintendo's platforming, they're usually talking about Sonic 2 or Mega Man 2 or the combined efforts of Nintendo and Rare in making Donkey Kong Country.  You're the only guy I see arguing that Pitfall is better than Nintendo platformers.  And everything else you said about Pitfall was wrong.

I corrected you about Popeye not as part of the argument, but to point out that you're on the internet, and can use it to look these things up.  Ya know, so you're not wrong so much in one thread.