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So they've dropped their estimate of 13-15m units sold to 12m until the end of June 2007.  This means that they will be on track to get IMHO no more than 15m units sold by the end of this year.

It just shows.  MS stated that 10m had been sold by the end of 2006.  We are now 3.5 months into 2007 and they still haven't reached the 10m mark....they may even have a problem acheiving another 2.5m sales in the next 2.5m...actually I doubt they will do it unless they start pushing developers to release the better games sooner rather than later. 

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)