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kowenicki said:

Whenever a game gets lower sales than a couterpart on the 360.. I hear.. "ah but the demographic of the PS3 is much more diverse" 

Can someone actually explain what this means.... with real evidence and examples, perhaps even proof with numbers.  The only evidence I can see says the exact opposite.

Perhaps CGI can help... as you say it an awful lot.

I'm beginning to think its just a 'get out of jail free card' statement that is tossed in to any discussion to try and deflect.


(please dont use the PS2 as evidence... this is about the PS3 buying habits)


^anyone who says diverse demograph isnt correct.

the real reason is quite simple, when 360 launched all the people who bought it were mainly core gamers ie. the better thing has come out and was therefore purchased, just like i did, as soon as 360 came out i wanted one str8 away. them core gamers buy more games per year anyway.

on top of that 360 has a larger userbase especially in NA where people buy more games.

so to sum up, 360 has a higher % of core gamers combined with a higher install base, on a general basis will lead to more copies sold over ps3.

^so thats the real reason not anything else, of course im only talking about a general sence not absolute. there may be times when ps3 game will sell more than 360 game but mostly 360 game will edge out ps3 game.

there is no myth.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...