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dcIKeeL said:
ur was a platform defined by this great variety but news...the ps2 days are over...some of these arent viable ips and although sony still boasts a considerably healthy diversity in it's library the quality of these games is waning...and 360 and wii have just as diverse if not more(as is the case with 360)IMO

Halo 3, gears 1 and 2, left for dead, mass effect, bioshock(until recently) fable 2, pgr, oblivion, tales of vesperia, star ocean 4, halo wars, lego indiana jones, fallout (dl content) banjo kazooie: nuts and bolts, DDR, call of juarez, lips, infinite undiscovery, the lost planet franchise


Most of those are shooters:Halo3,(critically acclaimed) Gears1, gears 2, left for dead, call of juarez. (technically Mass Effect should be here as well for it has strong TPS qualities)

RPGs:Fable2, Mass Effect(critically acclaimed) , were good to great


Party Games:DDR, Lips,


Others were Multiplat:Tales of Vesperia(for PS3 later this year with better graphics, more voice acting, extra characters and content) Bioshock, Fallout 3(Sry but dl content is not enough to claim as an exclusive game for you need the initial game in the first place to play it.)Lost Planet was on PS3 as well, lego indiana jones

Crapy Games that should never be bragged about: Infinite Undiscovery, Star Ocean


Shooters:Killzone 2(critically acclaimed), Resistance 1 & 2

RPGs: Disgaea 3, Valkyria Chronicles(critically acclaimed), Folklore

Racing: Grand Turismo:Prologue(most popular racing series to date), Motorstorm, MS2

Party Games: LBP(game of the year and heralded by many developers), Singstar(very popular in EU), Eye of Judgement

Action/Adventure:Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank ToD, RaC:Q4B

You see how PS3 touches on more even amount of games of every genre? Much more so then 360. And with Playstation's games their is always that refined touch to the games(more so than 360). And dont forget PS3 will have a few more bulking up its library of spectacular games:Infamous(Sanbox Action), Heavy Rain(Adventure?), God of War(action), Mag(shooter), WKC(RPG), Demon Soul(RPG), Mars(RPG), Eye Pet(Party), GT5(Racing), Team ICO game(adventure)

You see, the PS3's library is much more diverse and a(dare I say) higher level of quality comes from their games overall.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)