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I found you entire review to be mostly your personal stance of the every annoying nerd vs. nerd argument involving the PS3 we’ve all seen before on these and many other internet forums.

It’s a review of a video game console, yet there is no mention of the controller, at all. How does it feel? What are the differences between it and the PS2 controller?
How’s the battery life? Does playing movies with it feel natural or should I opt for the remote add-on? All practical stuff I’d like to know about.

No mention of backwards compatibility, which was a big selling point for the PS2 for me. Possible hidden costs of accessories that every console have, that’s important. How bout ease of use. What’s the menu system like, it snappy, it easy? How bout set-up, both psychically and software. It come with everything you need out of the box? (HD cables?) Isn’t it kind of big and oddly shaped, that’s a concern for people with limited shelf space left like me. What kind of hassle is required for updates. Is there an offline method for acquiring updates. You don’t touch on any of this.

You’ve written a sales pitch, not a review.

…let me explain why this is worth it without stating what I said above, those are mainly just a giant plus sign.

Now what's so great about Blu-ray that HD-DVD or standard DVD's can't do?

And it’s not even that good a pitch. Why should we care about it’s processor? One of the reasons I prefer console gaming to PC is I don’t have to think about that shit. Each console is stuck with whatever they come with, and that’s it. Or HDMI 1.3. Again, why is it so important that it deserves a paragraph and not the controller or backwards compatibility. It supports a HD format that no TV currently has, and an audio format that almost no can take advantage of?

And you mention both SKU’s but nothing in the way is which might be a better buy. For a $100 price difference it. If you were reviewing specifically one of them then just cut that part out, if you plan to apply the review to both of them you should also mention why one might worth might be worth more than the other.

There is no criticism at all towards the PS3 in your review. All though you make sure to take some jabs at the XBOX 360, and also bring up MGS4’s exclusivity. And don’t provide a link to your claim even though you have links to other games for sale on Amazon. If you don’t care or even know about MGS4 it’s just distracting and unnecessary.

And your last line is sarcastic, really? It looks like a typo where you simply forget to type a word you were thinking. (I probably did that a few dozen times in this post myself.) I just assumed you meant to write “…there is no reason to NOT get a PS3 now.”. Sarcasm doesn’t transcend well on the internet, and far less when it’s a single line at the end of a review.

Like I said, this isn’t a review, it’s a sales pitch, and not a convincing one for me. I’m yet to try a PS3 outside of a demo at a store, so I’m still mostly in the dark on the practical and subtle aspects of it, and repeating annoying tired arguments from forums and simple lists of games I’m suppose to believe are good don’t help someone like me in the least with making a decision.