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kn said:
ssj12 said:
I realized that I forgot to update this after I rewrote the multi-disc part a bit.

The first point with the 360 isn't even a pock-shot at it, I was defending the truth that its not going to the 360. The second is meant to be a defense for games on Blu-ray.

I know you are "defending" the MGS4 rumor, but it is considered bad form to do. Being "defensive" just never seems to come off very well in any type of writing as it implies there is some reason to. You are better off just saying something Like: With Confirmed exlusives like: "Uncharted, Ratchet, GT5, MGS4, FF13,..." (then add your color here). Leave it at that.

Same thing for blu-ray. Instead of being defensive and saying something fanboyish like "switching disks is so-last gen and went out with the PS1", you stick with the positive... Again, simply stating that with the increased storage capacity of Blu-Ray, the PS3 can store X times more data than standard DVD9 formats that were used last generation. What does this mean? More space for 7.1 uncompressed, more CGI, more X, More Y, More Z -- in short, a more complete and epic adventure possible -- all on a single disk.

Do you understand what I'm saying? Rather than be defensive, just accentuate the positive and leave it at that. Period. Multi-disk being last gen? No reason to go there. It's fanboyish plain and simple.

 Hey kn... this is a review not a PS3 advertisement... or is it?