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No, reviews matter when they're anonymous and in bulk.

It means more to me that 5 random people noticed a problem with a game than when IGN, Gamespot, or a vgChartz reviewer notices a problem.

I don't want a review from someone who's playing it to review it and critically analyzing every single thing. They miss the forest for the trees. They're too busy admiring the shrubbery while the other half of the forest is on fire.

This is why I think gamefaq's user-reviews are quite possibly one of the greatest elements on its website. I can go to almost any game and find 5+ reviews of varying scores. They tell me all sorts of things that real reviewers probably never would and are often far more to the point. I don't have Joe C. Review calculating the score behind the scenes, I have 8 Jane Doe's all telling me whether they loved or hated it and why.

vgChartz reviews are a waste of my time as they are now.