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A lot of these complaints would be mitigated by improvements to the modding system that have been put on hold while all development effort gets poured into the black hole that is 2.0 - a history of mod jobs for admin to review, the ability to view a particular mod's history of job responses, and the ability to mark a post that has been reported and how it was dealt with.

With that said, VGChartz has always been a user-driven community, and the modding is no exception. Our moderators are the judges, hearing the merits of the case and handing out judgment and penalties, but it is the users who are the lawyers filing the cases (reporting posts). It is not a moderator's job to read every post ever written on this site, but to go through the reports queue and clear it out, while keeping an eye out for violations during normal posting activity (patrolling, as it were).

If you feel a rule violation is taking place without anything being done about it, contact naznatips or myself.