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wfz said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Is this the newest Vgchartz fad? To give you an analogy, imagine that moderators are police officers and the users are the citizens. Are you saying that citizens should never phone for the police because it's not their responsibility and the police should do all the work? Mods are not superheroes. They're not their to save the day just in time. They can't scan every thread every second of every day. To want a better site and still refuse to help is selfish at best.

And then you're even suggesting that it's because mods are lazy? Wfz, I really like you. But if you're going to continue like this, my opinions might change.


Actually, while it's practically impossible for police to be on the lookout everywhere all the time, modding on a site is hardly anything like that.


You don't have to catch them in the act, you can catch them and reprimand their act hours later when you find it. You don't have to wander around a huge city, only a small internet site.

Also, police can't tell if something happened if they haven't seen it. The beauty of online posting is that the posts don't disappear, so they stay there for the mods to read when they find them.


I don't know how many times I'm going to say this, but I don't mean to sound like I'm saying the mods are lazy. I believe that either the mods don't have enough time to spend modding, or that there just aren't enough mods on this site to thoroughly keep things in order all the time.


So unless I missed some other reason, I believe there needs to be more mods.


Seriously guys, I don't know why I'm getting so much flack for this. I'm not saying the mods are idiots, I'm not saying they're doing a bad job, I'm just saying that I think we need a few more in order to really keep this place clean.


I'm trying to be positive and proactive. Please!

You may not have to catch the poster in the act, but you still need help knowing that the situation actually exists. A murder could go off in public view, but if no one reported it, the police would be none the wiser. As for an internet site versus a large city, try scaling it. The average large city has hundreds if not thousands of police, whereas Vgchartz has about 20 mods (can't remember exactly).

You're right though that the police don't know if something happens unless they've seen it. That's why they take the person in for questioning and the judicial system decides the punishment. It was a simple analogy and you're over-analyzing it.

As for the mods, some of them don't do as much modding as they could. I agree with you on that. I don't think we actually need more mods. Rather, we need the mods to be more motivated and understand that moderating is supposed to be an active job.