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Soriku said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
Soriku said:
My only problem really is even when we report people for trolling or something sometimes mods don't seem to do anything.

So your problem is that the mods don't always share your opinion of trolling?


No, I'd say the stuff I report is legitimate.

For example, two days ago I reported mikemill on the MadWorld wall for posting this...

"This game and No More Heroes both prove that cool hardcore games just don't sell on the Wii. The Wii is DOMINATED by little kids and house wives! All the hardcore gamers are on Xbox and PS3... when are these developers gonna learn???"

He may have been warned...IDK...but don't posts like that get removed if people are warned/banned because of it?

Another time I reported Egghead for trolling on the Fragile wall but it seems nothing happened, so I talked to nordlead on IM and he asked why I didn't report him, and I said I did, and he said maybe some other mod deleted the report for some reason (even though I don't know how they'd let that particular comment pass). Anyway, nordlead warned and deleted the comment.


I reported a user for calling another user a "fag". I'm guessing he got a warning, but did he deserve one?