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Back in the day, I'd want the Rock to be champion so bad! I was ordering PPV's, quoting the Rock, and trying to do the people's eyebrow (I'm now blind in my left eye as a result....). The guy would win the championship from time to time, but I'll be damned if he could hold on to it for a couple of months. Around that time, I realized what the WWF was doing. The Rock was already over with the fans. He didn't need the championship to be a main eventer. Guys like Kurt Angle, HHH, and Chris Jericho were getting the title and the push.

Same goes for Michaels. I LOVE the guy. I even forgive him for screwing over Brett Hart (my favorite wrestler). But Michaels has done it all. He doesn't need the belt. Let Edge continue to establish himself, let Cena sell some merchandise, or let HHH stroke his own ego. To my surprise, the WWE knows exactly what it's doing with Shawn Michaels.