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Kenology said:
BladeOfGod said:
Kenology said:


BladeOfGod said:
marktheshark275 said:
BladeOfGod said:
tuoyo said:
Oh boy what is a good word to describe people who never learn? Idiots? Mental? Delusional?

I would have thought that given the results of DS v PSP and Wii v PS3 Sony would have taken enough humble pie and just shut up about Nintendo rather than continuing to make themselves look stupid. This is quite similar to what they said before the release of DS.


 DS v PSP and Wii v PS3 doesn't have to be about sales. PS3 and PSP are both much more powerfull than DS and Wii, have better graphics, multimedia, better online, more features...

True, but what good is that when the DS has a much bigger amount of quality games than the PSP? 3rd party support between Wii & PS3 MIGHT be debatable in that they don't have really much to offer in terms of good 3rd party exclusives. I know about the Wii having tons of shovelware, but a lot of that shovelware originally came from PS2.






PSP ia about to get lots of great exclusives, like Little Big Planet, Motorstorm, Resistance, Patapon 2... Sony admited they didnt focused on PSP lately.

And PS3 got Resistance FOM, Resistance 2, MGS and Yakuza 3 as good 3d party exclusives.

I dont know why is everybody comparing sales here. Sony never said anything about DS sales. Yes, we all know DS already have those games, but we all know PSP version will look at least 10 times better.

bWe're comparing sales because:

1). This is VGChartz

2). "Good games depend entirely upon personal preference. What might be a good game to you might not be a good game to me, and vice versa. In such a subjective realm, only financial success can be a truly objective measure of who is better." - Mr. Storm, a poster at Kotaku

3). We know you don't want to use sales as a metric for success only because Sony is losing!



1. This isn't Sales Discussion

2.LOL of the week. God Of War and Madworld are both GREAT games, but they didn't sold very well.Does that means Wii sports in better than those 2 games? NO! And i have no use of financial success of one company unless i work for them.

3. Yea, just like you don't wanna use an actual console/hardware as metric for success because Nintendo is losing

1. But it is.  Hence Sony's bitterness.

2. That's not what I'm saying all.  I like MadWorld much better than Wii Sports.  But an unbundled Wii Sports sold way more than MadWorld ever will.  Therefore, it's safe to say that more people are interested in paying for and playing Wii Sports than MadWorld. 

3.  Using hardware as a metric, the PS3 is far more powerful than the Wii.  The PSP is more powerful than the DS.  It's a fact, everyone knows this - but no one cares!  More people want the weaker Wii and DS than the all-mighty PS3 and PSP - and we know this because the SALES say so!




Wii sports is selling better than Madworld because it has the word ''Wii'' in its name, so uninformed people know what that is and will probably buy it, but those people don't know what Madworld is.

And the research in Japan have shown that Japanese gamers are more satisfied with the Sony consoles than with Nintendo consoles. so people DO care about graphics and hardware. But lots of Ds/Wii owners are seniors who don't even know what ''graphics'' means, so they just buy the system who has less hardcore games and more kiddie and casual games and kids who probably want PS3 or PSP but daddy says no because of the high price. One guy wanted to trade his DS for my PSP in my school.


And like i said before: I would rather have system with more features and better graphics than system which is selling good.