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sadly, with funds being the issue, I could not watch mania. I have already seen the results and I'm a little surprised. Obviously I can't speak for the quality of the matches themselves, but I'm glad to hear you were impressed.

note 1:
the tag title unification match went dark. Just another sign that the wwe doesn't care about that division. They're probably going to split miz and morrison for the draft which sucks cause carlito and primo will have no one to feud with.

note 2:
cm punk won money in the bank.... again. Since he didn't get over at all as champ last time, I can't see why (unless he loses the case like kennedy did a couple years back). It's a shame with guys like Shelton, MVP, and Christian really deserving a shot at that brass ring.

I want to take a moment to talk about cm punk. So, he wins the ECW title in fall 07 and holds the title for a couple months but loses it before mania. He wins money in the bank. He wins the strap, holds it for a couple months, loses it. Wins the tag titles with kofi, holds them for a couple months, loses them. Wins the IC tile, holds it for a couple months but loses it before mania. Wins money in the bank again. They must really love this kid. I feel like he might win all 7 titles before the year is up.

note 3:
No swagger vs bourne? Why not? Do they hate the C show that much? Why (at least) wasn't this the dark match and the tag title match on the ppv?

note 4:
I went 3 for 9 with my predictions. Which is fine, I'm happy to be wrong. However, it's a shame this mania went super face crazy. Only 2 heels won matches and of those 2, jericho still took some shots after the match. So the only heel to really succeed during mania was.... matt hardy? With that being said, love jericho, glad he won.

note 5:
Santino winning the diva battle royal sounds a little.... cheap maybe? There's probably a better way to describe it. I don't mind that he's in it, love santino, but the winner? I don't know.

All my smark ranting aside, like I said, I'm glad to hear it was a good show and hope to watch it in the near future.