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Yakuzaice said:

8 million really isn't enough to claim oversaturation. I mean the DS has sold over 26 million and it still crushes the Wii in sales every week. As does the PSP which has almost sold 12 million. Granted this just illustrates Japan's shift towards handhelds, but even the PS2 is still selling 5k more than 2 years into this generation (and that is with nearly 23 million already sold).


I think calling it oversaturated was a bit strong on my part lol. But to be fair when one in every four or five households must have one it is hard to see where it can go from here. I think the problem with trying to compare it to handhelds is that both the handhelds in Japan have come in various colours and have had several models which leads to people buying more than one, so it is hard to tell how oversaturated they are relative to the population. For example most people I know in the UK who have bought a DS or PSP from the start are now on their second one. And everyone I know who is a gamer is on at least their third ps2. But because Wii's are so well built and have no new models or colours there is no need for anyone to buy a new one. But this is all just speculation =)


Thank you for your well thought out post. I'm going to go back and edit my original post to 'near saturation'  or something to that extent.
