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I wish SE and Konami will flop with all their exclusive ps3 tittle , even though I loved all those tittle but helping Sony to stuff that $600 price tag in my throat I'll love to see them fail!!!!!

and before you guys flame me that I'm a cheap bastard or cant afford, I spend alot of money changing cell phone and upgrade computer every year or two. The amount I spend is way more than that $600 price tag. Everyone have a limit value to each item they want to buy, and that $600 price tag for a console is pretty rediculous, even $400 is too high for a console.

I'll buy a 360 or ps3 whenever these console drop their price to $250 range, and thats what I think they are worth to me. I dont care what other thing it can do, I'm only buying it to play games only! that shouldn't cost a fortune.