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Yu Suzuki retires from AM plus


According to a latest press release from SEGA-SAMMY, the company has “retired” a few of its managers. One being Yu Suzuki and the other is Hiroshi Yagi.

Don’t freak out! This just means he was moved, as of April 1st (what an odd date for them to leave their studios, right?) Yu Suzuki will no longer be at AM plus! What will happen to him? Well after his short vacation he will come back to Sega. Here is the quote from the PDF:

“Mr. Yagi and Mr. Suzuki will be member of Amusement R&D Division as of April 15,2009.”

I don’t know if Yu Suzuki leaving AM plus means that the studio is closing or it is just being merged. AM plus hasn’t really been making hit games, so who knows. We will see what this is going to do for Yu Suzuki, hopefully more games?

I think what we are all wondering here is, what does Yu Suzuki do when he is on vacation?





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