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BMaker11 said:

So...a regular, nothing special RTS that happens to have the name "Halo" in it, a poorly received Ninja Gaiden clone, some DLC, and a JRPG that's falling more in line with the other "average" JRPGs that the 360 has gotten (score wise) is your talking point for the PS3 only getting KZ2?

I'll take KZ2 please and thank you lol. I would buy the Lost and the Damned, but when it comes to GTA, I don't care about the story, I just want to blow stuff up, and I did plenty of that while ago and got bored of it.


I love it how this guy hasn't played any of these games and is bashing them using the stereotypical fanboy argument.  Halo Wars must be special if it has sold FPS sales levels as an RTS.  Again, you've never even taken the time to LOOK at Ninja Blade because it is no where NEAR a Ninja Gaiden clone.  Ninja Blade is a futuristic ninja experience with lots of quicktime events.  As far as "average" JRPGs, did you check the sales?  JRPG's on both consoles this generation are rather low, and that's perfectly normal for JRPGs.  Score wise SO4 got an 80+ score which is very good for a JRPG and any game in general.

If you really just like to blow stuff up, check out Crackdown (only on 360)!  It is an amazing sandbox blow stuff up game!


Oh and I bet Hatmoza doesn't have xbox live.  He's probably been playing the campaign for a year because he's so awful at shooters....   I kid, I kid... but seriously, what's your tag?