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wfz said:
BMaker11 said:
disolitude said:
Krusnik said:
Gabriel84 said:
Well if you think theres nothing to look forward to on 360 just go away and play your PS3.


what i don't get is why if nothing is announced as dropping soon the platform is dead or automatically has no games. Its like the catalog up til' now doesn't exist

People have been saying 360 has no games since the beginning of the year. these people are either massive trolls or misinformed as 360 saw Halo Wars, SO4, Ninja Blade, GTA4 LatD in the first 4 months of the year...great games you can't play anywhere else.

PS3 had Killzone 2...anything else?

In any case...people asking if they should sell their 360s becuase of no games on these boards either don't like to play games and jsut want attention or are huge anti-360 fanboys.


So...a regular, nothing special RTS that happens to have the name "Halo" in it, a poorly received Ninja Gaiden clone, some DLC, and a JRPG that's falling more in line with the other "average" JRPGs that the 360 has gotten (score wise) is your talking point for the PS3 only getting KZ2?

I'll take KZ2 please and thank you lol. I would buy the Lost and the Damned, but when it comes to GTA, I don't care about the story, I just want to blow stuff up, and I did plenty of that while ago and got bored of it.


Oh great, is this turning into a 360 vs PS3 thread? Seriously?


Anyways, I just made a brilliant post (my last post right above here) and I demand that everyone read it, listen to my words, shaddup, and move on. Why? I'm American, damnit.


Or we invade your country!!