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Found courtesy of NeoGAF:

-The Wii Remote is used to aim the flashlight

-Streaming environments that completely eliminate load times

--The developer wants the game to be as immersive as possible. "When you want to check on something in the environment, for example, you simply fix your view on it rather than press a button, and instead of text appearing on screen, Harry comments vocally." (MARl0 note: This sounds really awesome!)

-The static noise comes out of the Wii Remote now.

-Combat has been completely removed from the game. "Instead, you have no choice but to flee, which proves considerably more terrifying."

-Once the monsters see you, the chase is on. "Holding Z button makes Harry get the lead out, and during the getaway, you can barge through doors, climb over fences, jump through windows, and so on. You can even barricade doors behind you with a bookshelf or whatever else might be handy. The static gets louder as the monsters close in, and while Harry is running, you can look back over his shoulder. Watching these abominations leap over cars and crawl along the rooftops as they relentlessly pursue our hero had us on the edge of our seats." "To be clear, these chase sequences aren't quick-time events; you have full control over Harry and can choose whichever path you see fit to his destination." "The monsters will take alternate routes to try to cut you off, and they'll use their numbers to flank you whenever possible."

Combat has been completely removed from the game. "Instead, you have no choice but to flee, which proves considerably more terrifying."

Combat has been completely removed from the game.


Assuming these new details aren't just an April Fool's joke, this can be either very good or very bad, depending on how it's handled...