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CaseyDDR said:
I don't know if this means anything, but I'm a PC gamer who waited till now to jump into the current gen console market. My choice? PS3. Yah, it's 400$, but I got a 50$ giftcard from Gamestop when I purchased it, basically giving me a free game. There are other deals out there that allow you to buy PS3's from 300$ and up. You just have to look.

The 360 is just cheap looking and feeling. I hate the controller which is very clumsily designed IMO, and the games that are on both systems have (IMO) huge graphical differences. The PS3 just shows itself to be a much better overall entertainment system.

I never owned a PS2 or XBOX during their time either. I was a Gamecube boy.


You think that multiplat games on the PS3 and 360 have huge graphical differences in favor of the PS3 or 360? The 360 wins almost every single comparison done for almost every multiplat game.