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prosugno360 said:
celine said:
sharky said:

Either way that's seemingly too low to have 107k on 6/30..

Yep , too me . It seem unrealistic that SCE Italy shipped about 110K until mid september ( ... or end of August ) and that GFK Italy report 107K Ps3 sold to customers for the end of July.

la notizia dei 110k sono dati di fine giugno in Italia, visto che i dati di vendita di luglio hardware arrivano lunedì 23 settembre o maartedi 24 settembre.

Infatti gfk dice che a fine giugno sono 107k ^^

ciao spero di essere stato chiaro.

Translation of prosugno text (babel fish):

the news of the 110k is given of fine june in Italy, inasmuch as the data of sale of July hardware arrive 23 mondays 24 september or maartedi september. In fact gfk it says that to fine june they are 107k ^^ hello I hope of to have been clear.

So, if i understand well, we may have soon the hardware numbers for july in Italy. And, there is no mistake with the shipment numbers.