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@Kantor: Yeah, great reasoning. Except you didn't explain why one is better than other.
You're gangster in GTA and therefore you're allowed to kill.
You're a pervert in the raping game and therefore allowed to rape.
You may notice that neither actually justifies killing or raping.

Games include murder because people enjoy that and other games include raping because other people enjoy that.
Now you justified killing with enjoyment, but the same goes for raping.

Killing someone evil makes you evil. Or what if the one you rape in a game is so evil that it makes the world a better place, like believes in the wrong god is an atheist or maybe happens to be someone you're in war with.

The same way a killer can justify killing, a rapist can justify rape. It can be a method of getting laid or get your genes reproduced/forwarded.

I would bet that there are just as many ways to rape someone, that there are ways to kill.
And, outside a democratic decision, "most people would like to play something else" is a lame excuse, since the same goes for GTA for example. It's only the minority of the gamers that actually play it.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.