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dib8rman said:
Gamerace, A book can say a lot, but it doesn't mean it's saying much.

It all depends on who is reading, this goes into individual reference, some are more wide affecting, more known as experiences these individual references help a reader to relate to what they are reading, in this case the narrative and it is because of individual reference points new references can be drawn because a conclusion was gathered.

It isn't as complex as creating something with depth, it's about relation.

That's why I've been saying demographics don't actually exist in the context of games, because games don't have narratives. Now if she was saying 90% of games were sports games and she hates them, then there would be nothing to argue about, that's her opinion. But she is speaking for all woman kind and is speaking against all man kind involved in gaming, she's simply placing her opinion as fact. I'm saying that she is wrong on all accounts.

1. Men are not neanderthals, men do like to learn, men don't have to always be in a superior position.

2. Teenage boys are not stupid, they are consumers, they know what they like and they buy it, inadvertently she's cursed the sacred rule of sales; "the customer is always right."

Sales isn't her business, she should probably find a new profession anyway. V_V

At this point I'm not interested in her supporters on this site, I'm about 70% sure that she's wrong and seeking attention or is frustrated for her lively-hood.

Fantastic post and pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter. (Though I'd love to get more into the sociopathy of this drama queen's market-illiterate navel-gazing, I'll leave it at this.)