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CGI-Quality said:

@ Cloud

I mean don't get me wrong, I was a bit sour at the time FFXIII went multi but I realize that MS saw an oppurtunity and took it, despite gamers calling it: just "money hatting". Beyond that Sony needs to get their act together as well, in reference to the Playstation, it's part of the reason they lost Square the way they did. A lot of Sony fans need to understand this. In the meantime though, this isn't about 360, PS3, nor Wii.

Square is a great company, and to be honest IE & TLR aren't the worst games I've ever played, FAR from it, I just would like, from a personal standpoint, to see games more like FFIII/IIII/VI/VII -X, since those were my favorites, from Square regardless of the platform. Everything will probably be fine, not too much to sweat bro :)


I know you are a multi console owner, who in turn was never really affected by FFXIII's going MP. This is why I used you as an example. You previously stated that you also believed that SE was not in the place they once were as far as quality goes.

You, a person with no real bias or stake(for everyone to see) is to an extent in agreence with the majority of SE fans.

I love Squaresoft, they brought me FFVII, a game I cannot possibly love anymore then I do without becoming somekind of pervert. Yet the trends that SE has formulated this gen are a out right outrage to me.

I have played SO:TLH, feels a lot like SO3 to me. I have played IU and TLR, bloody awful games. The only games SE has pleased me with over the last few years is Crisis Core, War of the Lions, and FFTA2.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)