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Khuutra said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Khuutra said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Khuutra said:

Are you also passing judgement on games you have never played?


I dont have to play 50 cent Blood on the Sand to know that it's garbage. Same goes for any other game. Is it not true that one of a game's main objectives is to attract the audience to play it in the first place?

A FPS fan doesn't need to play an RPG to know that he doesn't like one. or vice versa.Why is this that different?

All that is needed to make a proper judgement on a game is a little bit of research on it to formulate your opinion on it.

And I have played FFXII:RW.......still hate it. Same goes for Space Invaders.

Yes I am going to say that you lack the perspective to formulate an opinion about a game you haven't played. Don't be ridiculous.

so you are telling me you play every game in existance before you know whether you like it or not? You must be filthy rich!

I'm saying that I don't pass judgment on games I haven't played. I don't know the first thing about Crisis Core and I can't comment on its quality because I haven't played it. Trying to formulate an opinion on it would be disingenuine, dishonest, and frankly harmful both to my reputation and to my self-image.


sooooooooo you are saying their is doubt in your mind that 50 cent BOTS is an epically terrible game?




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)