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Darc Requiem said:

I don't know why you even bothered to respond. Your rant only served to proved that you are more of Sony fanboy than a Square Enix fan.  Fans follow games not platforms. Also Third Parties can't "betray" console manufacturers. The whole purpose of being third party is to be able to place your software on whatever platform that you'd like. Sony has not given SE any financial incentive ala the PS1 days and doesn't have a overwhelming lead like they did in the PS2 days. As I said in my prior post, just grow up already.

@CGI Quality

Nintendo's decision to stick with the cartridge format was the main reason for the falling out between Square and Nintendo. With NEC, Sega, and Sony going to an optical disk format, Square Enix didn't want to be handicapped by the limited space and high costs of the cartridge format. Sony's financial incentives and NEC's failure were the reason Square choose Sony over Sega. At the time FFVII began it's development for Playstation the Saturn was outselling the Playstation in Japan by 2 to 1. In fact it was FFVII's release on PS that effectively ended the 1st place battle between the Saturn and Playstation in Japan.

On this whole betrayal topic, if it's Nintendo's fault (sticking with cartridges) for Square leaving them, then why does everyone try to bring this up when Sony fans say "SE betrayed us" as if the situation were the same? It wasn't a matter of "going to where the most profit could be made" when Square went to the PS1. They went to the PS1 in order to make games how they envisioned them, and cartridge wasn't going to cut it.

Now we have this gen, where the "betrayal" has NO immediate reason for happening, other M$ bribery.