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Sony are listening to their fans???

That's not a smart move.... their 'fans' already own a PS3 - they need to figure out how to get all the OTHER people to buy the system....

What is it that the fans exactly have to say that is better than Sony themselves?? Bring out these games faster... drop the price... put rumble in the controller... bundle games.... what can the fans suggest to make sony do better? If they have to resort to listening to their fans as you say SSJ then I think they are in big trouble.

That said, a lot of my post above is full of 'fail' because I don't think they are necessarily listening to their fans they just want to 'ease' the fans bourden and they are doing so by talking to them and making them feel important.

I don't think even Sony knows what they can do to help 07, I think infact that they accept that 07 is a dead year for them and they can try and come back in 08.