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In no particular order...

Way of the Samurai 2
Baten Kaitos Origins
Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus
Dragon Quest VIII
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (part of the Zelda-collection for GC)
Soul Calibur Legends (Don't ask...)
Prince of Persia (360) (Got it for Christmas and haven't really felt like playing it since Christmas Day)
GTA4: The Lost and the Damned (haven't had much time lately, but this game is definitely close to the top of my "need-to-play-soon" list)
MadWorld (Same as above, on the top of my need-to-play-soon list, going to start it today)
Sonic and the Black Knight (same as above)
God of War 2 (Everytime I save the game freezes so I might drop this one all-together)
Resident Evil 0
Eternal Darkness