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I agree Hus your not going to find cutting edge graphics on the Wii. Quite frankly thats not what that console is about. That console is about reasonable pricing, innovative controls, and quality first party games. The focus is heavily on the gameplay over graphical prowess. The result is a cheap machine that is easy to use, and has solid first party games with universal appeal.

When you comment on the graphics you however must apply certain standards. Some games are not implemented with graphics being a primary objective. You also must consider the hardware. You would be hard pressed to find people that say for instance that Mario 64 is a ugly game. The reason most people place it within context it looked superb for the time. They take into consideration the style, and the hardwares limitations.

The only time graphical prowess should ever be truly applied is when the graphics are not living up to the hardware, or living up to the art style they were aspiring too. You can't say a cell shaded game looks awful compared to Gears of War. They were not aspiring to the same goal. You cannot compare the graphic standard of a PS3 or a 360 to the Wii. You can still hold reservations about the graphical power, but a game that looks good for the Wii is a good looking game. All it needs to do is make good use of the graphical power of the machine, and stay true to the art it is aspiring too.

Which returns us to the topic the PS3 is the Bradly fighting vehicle of game consoles. Somewhere along the line it deviated from its primary function, and lost its edge trying to be a master of everything. The end result was it has done nothing well. The format is too new and probably underused. Requiring far too many accessories. The game efforts were too extensive and difficult to develop for leading to a drought of quality games. All these nifty functionalities are almost of niche concern. Most gamers could have done without them. Finally in an effort to reduce prices the machine has lost certain core functionalities.

I think the HBO movie Pentagon Wars is a apt representation of the PS3 up till this point in its life. For those not aware the Bradley was designed as a armored infantry carrier. To get soldiers to the front line of combat, and to stay close to the heavy armored units. However too many people were involved with too many ideas about how to use it for different functions. The result was it couldn't do its primary mission. The thing was a rolling deathtrap for people inside. All the modifications hindered its performance. The best part was billions of dollars ended up being wasted on hair brain schemes.

Such is the PS3 and you still saw it in the press conference. They still were dragging out gadgets, and functionalities that gamers do not need, or even have a desire for. How many PS3 owners are going to buy a PSP to have remote access to their machine? The resources wasted on that could have built another much needed game even if it was a simple Tetris knockoff. Each conference comes with more features that nobody needs, or particularly want. What they need is to focus exclusively on games, and only on games.

I prefer the kiss philosiphy keep it simple stupid. Grab that five minute attention span, and focus on one key element. Have the lion share of time devoted to games, game descriptions, gameplay just pour on the games start to finish. Keep the little boring things tucked away. They need to get people excited, and not pander to concerns. When you talk about solving problems. That highlights you have serious problems. Even if your solving a problem. Just do it do not dwell on it just do it.

How many car manufacturers advertise their car by saying a few good things. Telling you that your car can ford a river. Then mention that they are working on that problem that causes the cars to explode for no reason. None of them do. Why not well people turn their attention to the problem. They say hey it might be a nice car, but I do not want to buy something that will explode. The best way to serve the consumer is to keep them happy, and sure as hell not make them concerned about your products.