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I have been in gaming for nearly 30 years and can spot a dud on sight. That Diomedes dude is hella mad for making his P$3 purchase based on 'potential.' Yeah, the PS3 can win this war but there has to be some compelling reason for folks to buy a PS3 vs. a 360. The 360 is definitely getting killed in Japan - but so what? Is there a rule that states if you don't win Japan, you don't win the war? What that tells me is ... if you are going losing in one area, fight harder in the others.

I have only met a few PS3 owners who will admit that Sony's thinking is flawed. Most folks get defensive about their P$3 ... but most 360 owners are a lot more understanding to probs. Shoot, I had my 360 for over a year before I got the RLD ... and didn't complain - just shipped my 360 to McAllen, Texas, waited a few weeks and started back playing. I have a Wii that I bought just to flip and ended up keeping it. It's fun - and I am getting more and more games for it.

The PS3 is just a console with a ton of excuses. All I see are fanboys touting how awesome this title and that one will be. All of their speculation - and analysts - are looking to the past to determine future success. That's ok to do - if the systems have the same features and the conditions are similar - like the PS2 coming out first, and locking in tons of exclusives. The early entry of the 360, and the insane, out of control success of the Wii have bashed those theories.

It seems that Sony is convincing folks it's the total package, but it's like a salesman selling someone a Ferrari, then adding crap that shoulda been there in the first place - and selling it to them and think they are supposed to be happy.

IMHO, the 20gb PS3 was fine by itself - and just think - it would have been $399 right now ... but no, Sony deleted that sku, and the 60gb sku. Nice work ...

(from a reformed Sony fanboy - and owner of a PS2 - and past owner of the original PS1 - opening weekend - two PSPs and one PS2 HDD)