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The only thing I can see slowing down the Wii is a lack of good games. I'm surprised at the announcements (or lack thereof) at the TGS for the Wii. It seems like the few games being announced for it are what amounts to PS2 ports which should be a little worrisome.

I mean what happens after Galaxy and Brawl? Apparently so far all we know about Nintendo for next year is Mario Kart and Wii Fit (and a few other games), can anyone remember a year in which we really knew so little about the triple-A games coming from Nintendo next year?  Are those few games really going to keep people busy gaming for a year? Sure there are a some quality third party games coming as well but lets start facing reality, those games will few and far between and seem to pale in comparison to the Wii's rivals. I'm not saying the Wii is in trouble, just that eventually the lack of quality games might start to be a problem.