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Mr. Wibbly think about what you are saying here. You are saying console that has lagged behind five years will suddenly take off because of pricing. In five years developers will be shifting to Wii2, X-box 720, and PS4. Their has never been a console that has done what you are stating.

If the PS3 doesn't make huge strides starting this holiday it will be doomed to an Gamecube/X-box to a N64 level of performance when it comes to user base. The PS3 is currently selling slower than the Gamecube at this point. There second place system in Japan always sells less than 6 million units. Usually in the 3 to 5 million range to be more specific. In fact the Saturn was the best selling second place system in Japanese history with 5.76 million units. The PS3 will be lucky to sell 20% of the systems the PS2 did in Japan. The PS3 is consistently out sold by the Wii at over 3 to 1 in the US and by the 360 at a 2 to 1 clip. In fact its US performance is worse than its Japanese performance when you take into account how the PS2 sold in the US. It gets farther and farther behind the Wii each month in Europe and it is still behind the 360.

What are you reasons for this line of thinking? I have seen it expressed by many, but no one has yet to adequately explain it. In truth by the time the PS3 is cheap enough to sell in significant numbers, the battle for this generation will have been long over.