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I bought the game last week (strangely enough I found it in Belgium on Wednesday already, ie 2 days before official release) and it's awesome.

But I have to say that I do not see this game appealing to a lot of people. So it's sales will be relatively low and I do not see it having any kind of legs (not COD WAW legs any way).

Wii has a huge userbase beacuse it really expaned the market somewhat with games like WiiFit. The ones with the Wii because of WiiFit will have no interest in Madworld. If you take those out of the equation, the userbase will decrease significantly and the numbers start making sense.

As such, I believe it would not sell more (at least not significantly) on the HD consoles. And the great presentation of the game (black and white, etc...) was probably made possible by programmers having to deal with the least powerful console of the 3. So I am really happy it's on the Wii.

I have no problem calling this game a flop (though it is way to soon to make any conclusions) but we shouldn't act suprised about it.

Elaine: I will never understand people

Jerry: They're the worst.