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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
There are quite a few JRPG games out this generation that are far better then Vesperia. heres a list.

LO - X360
Folklore - PS3 <---  NO. It's a very substandard RPG.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope - X360
Valkryia Chronicles - PS3
Infinite Undiscovery - X360 <--- Too many technical issues and not an impressive cast/plot.
With quite a few more on the way. 
Final Fantasy Versus XIII - PS3 (AKA will make all of the above look like childs play.)  <-- I hope so, or else I'll hate S-E forever for wasting Nomura's time.

White Knight Chronicles - PS3  <--- If the reports from Japan are any indication, this game will only be above average. Shame because this was my JRPG hope for the PS3 this year.
X-Edge - PS3
The list goes on and on buddy. :P

I think it'll be DQ9 (DS count right?), FF13 or KH3.