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FishyJoe said:
Exactly what news is telling you they are getting things together? Except for Home delay and the Dual Shock, everything else was previously known.

They're agressivly working to make the Cell less of a pain to develop for by offering a lot of help and working on better dev kits.

While they have all this new neat stuff they plan on "going back to basics" which i'd interpret as a move to focus on the actual games since they put in in contrast to the "multimedia supercenter" stuff.

Meaning things like blu-ray movies and multimedia options that make the PS3 more of a home entertainment system will take a back seat to what actually matters.  Games.  Not only games but better games as back to basics hopefully means a focus on gameplay, design and story as opposed to graphics, which also seemed to be the case when he talked in the Q&A session that sony games might not have "full" HD to allow more stuff on the screen at once and that games will be more complex in the future.