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My summer is now pretty much completely booked up! And if all goes to plan it will be my best summer yet! I have been saving for it for the past 6 months or so, lol.

So far I should be going to...

-Reading Festival 09

-Glastonbury festival 09 (if my money doesnt get rinsed)

-North Carolina for 3 weeks with my cousin staying on a farm with some family friends

-Possibly WOMAD festival 09 if I have time/money (its a world music festival which is pretty jokes, plus its on my b-day)


Backup plans for if any of my current plans fall through include...

-Glade trance music festival 09

-1 week in portugal with a bunch of friends to go clubbing (also on my b-day)

-Cropredy folk festival (I usualy go every year as my family works there but other plans are taking priority)

-paintballing sometime (i have promised myself I need to do more of it)


All this is enhanced by the fact that I will be finishing my A-levels just before the summer starts and this entire holiday will be used as a 6/7 week goodbye party to the all my friends as everyone will be doing different things next year.

One things for sure though... I will be flat broke by september when I'm off to uni :S


Has anyone else began planning as thoroughly as me?