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Onyxmeth said:
spdk1 said:
so here's a question, do you think that "Taker will drop his wrestlemania streak to Michaels?

It wouldn't make sense. Michaels doesn't need the push. It should go to an up and comer and it should be Taker's last Mania too.



I don't know, I think WWE would want Taker to lose his streak to someone who was respected in and out of the ring. The thing is, Michaels has spent the better part of his career (especially the more recent years) putting guys over. In that sense, it's hard to see him winning this match. Both guys are great but can't have many years left in the tank. Taker due to his size and the fact that he rarely takes extensive breaks and Michaels due to his various injuries. I'd say Taker wins, but it's a toss up.

Oh, and Batista is indeed awful. He rarely sells convincingly and his promo's are bottom of the barrel.