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Garnett said:
lol I can't believe there are still ppl on this site who make blu ray comments and pretend like it is taking over,When we all know digital digital distribution is taking over.


Not at the current internet speeds and broadband penetration it's not.   Also, getting a majority of buyers who are from a generation essentially computer illiterate and have grown up with VHS,DVD  and only know of their movie collections as a physical thing.  It's going to be hard to switch their mindset.   Which then takes it even a step further.  Many people will be turned off by the hassle of potential Hard Drive failure. (Which let's face it, is very possible). 

Digital Distribution is two generations away at a minimum (If ever). (When Broadband speeds and physical storage will match the requirements needed on a widespread basis  and when a generation who has grown up with Napster/Limewire/Steam/Pirates Bay/ I-Tunes/Netflix/etc  will hit the mainstream movie buying market ). 

Every big scale retailer in the world and movie production company has every desire in the world to push Blu-Ray first and foremost.  Not the other way around.  It's very easy to see.