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spdk1 said:

the only thing I disagree about is their young talent.  lately they have been doing some dumb things like having Jack Swagger lose to Finlay, destroying his hype, and having Shane Mcmahon completely destroy their top heel stable, whith a bunch of crappy fake punches.  the latter was so bad that Orton had to come out and explain it away with "I knew the entire RAW roster would have beat me down.  Plus they have been aquiring tons of young talent like guys from ROH and Low-ki, only to completely bury them, or keep them off of TV like JImmy Wang Yang.  WWE kind of reminds me of WCW back when Hogan and his buddies ran the show, just replace Hogan with HHH.

I agree to an extent but it's not that (WCW) bad. To be fair, most programs are going to have the top guy and the top stars. It is a shame they don't treat HHH like they treated Austin (97-99) and the Rock. Those guys were huge, not never unbeatable. Hell, the Rock couldn't hold on to a title to save his life.