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This here is my opinion, and no matter whether or not you agree with me, I want to hear your opinion on the subject.


Currently, I'm a PS3 only owner. Sure, I own a laptop, but that's hardly relevant. And my parents own a Wii, but I don't use it.

Now, a couple of months ago, I knew I was going to want a Wii at some point. It was pure logic, the Wii owns the majority of the market, so sooner or later, there will be games out for it that I want. But I wanted to want a PSP. I wanted to play God of War, I wanted a handheld and I thought the Remote Play feature with my PS3 was a neat idea. But I could never have justified buying a PSP for those three reasons alone.

But something happened. The PSP had a great line up announced, and with even more to come. So I went from wanting to want a PSP, to wanting a PSP, and as things are right now, I will definitely pick up a PSP, once I know whether I should get the 3000 or the 4000.

But with the Wii, I have gone from knowing I would want one, to wanting to want one. So what happened?

MadWorld is what happened. I haven't tried it, I haven't been near the game yet. And I refuse to buy it for a console I don't own myself. But it got me excited over the things the Wii could do. Games on the Wii have a chance to be something no other games can be, and having fully realized this, I now want to want a Wii.

Some of you will probably ask why in the world I haven't gotten to that point until now?! The Wii has Nintendo games after all! But I am in the group of people who generally do not care about Nintendo games. It's only Super Mario Galaxy that I have any interest in myself.

But like with the PSP, I can't justify buying a Wii because of the games it might get and MadWorld alone. What needs to happen, is that 3rd parties need to make more good games for the Wii, announce me a killer lineup and give me no choice but to buy a Wii!

Right now, I am feel desperate to have developers try and make something good for the Wii. I don't care for Dead Space Extraction, House of the Dead or Tales games. My PS3 has had me buying games since I got it, and of the 21 retail games I bought, I only regret buying two games. Make me Wii exclusives that demand my attention, and not games I feel should have been on a HD console.

In the end, what I am rambling about is that I want 3rd parties to create games I want and need to make me feel complete as a gamer and the games I like to play. And The Conduit has the right idea, but I can't help but feel that the "Aliens invading Earth, bla bla bla"-concept is a little tired by now.