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^^ Yeah idiots are never supply constrained :)

On topic: WOW, this is the last game I would have expected to leak into the internet, if Bill finds out who did it.... well he´ll sue him/her.... Good thing for MS is that people will buy and ceep the originlal for all the great multiplayer support it has, they´ll lose a buck or two on the people who would have gotten it for singleplayer only and have a modded Box, still I don´t see piracy beeing a big issue with this game, it´s just to big for piracy to take out a chunk you would notice.

Nintendo on the other hand might get bigger problems, their internet security doesn´t even exsist, there where thousands playing Mario Strikers on the day before the game released. Games like Galaxy with no internet wouldn´t even need internet....

Sony is doing best in this department, eventhough I´ve heard of exploits with certain system versions there seems to be very little people can do to it´s security till now, Blue Ray makes a drive hacks senseless so the only way would be copying the game to the hard drive... and that hasn´t worked out yet, so go Sony you win the pirate killer award till now.

Shows us that beeing pirate prove doesn´t mean you will be better of on the market. Piracy might hurt 360 and Wii software sales but people buying a new 360 for online will only help the 360.... and it does´t look like anything is hurting the Wii eventhough it is easyest to hack.