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True my friend ive been a nintendo loyalist since i was able to think on my own on what to do in a game (i.e. metroid, zelda, mario etc) Then i thought back why am i still with them? then i think back of all games and revolutionary things they did with every generation.

The graphics never bothered me since past nintnedo games had one of the best graphics from battle toads to super mario galaxy and to think what wii is capable of after games like RE4 and Rogue Squadron 2.

To tell ya the truth i wish they would improve NWFC but as long as it nots restricted to just FC then im cool with random matches (esp mario kart wii).

I was amazed when Mr. Iwata revealed the wii remote (i refuse to say wiimote) just the look of the controller sparked an explosion of curiosity in my mind and hearing that its motion based made me think on the possibilties. it made me wonder if this can revive some of the old dminishing genres like beat em ups and hack and slash games and now with wii motion+ that a definite possibility with games like redsteel 2.

Im also kinda dissaopinted in other loyalists that are on the verge of leaving nintendo. they want their games now which is not really easy and as years go by it takes longer to make these games which to me is why they delay them often Mr. Myiamoto is a perfectionist he doesnt want any of his games even the smallest bug thats what makes his games legendary. thats my 2 cents, sorry for long read but thats what i think inside on the regining empire that is nintendo.