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vizunary said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Yeah, I've seen both, but I do like the remake better. Some remakes do make it better.
Haven't seen "Undead"...and I've seen a lot of zombie movies hehe. I'll have to check that out. The potential themes for heroism, sacrifice, etc in zombie movies typically makes them great to watch.

Oh, anybody like Slither? It looked like it would be a terrible, cheesy movie...but it was supposed to be campy and cheesy, and it was great.


if you like good horror that doesn't take itself too seriously then checkout Feast, very gory, but it was pretty cool. also Dead & Breakfast was good but mainly a comedy. oh yes, harold and maude, classic. did you guys see harold in life aquatic, he was the stooge? (can't remember his name)

He was also in Million Dollar Hotel. His name is Bud Cort. Shortly after Harold and Maude he got in a car accident and didn't work for some time. Only now that he has cult status has he been reappearing in odd roles.


Edit...Ok...not shortly was years later.

In 1979 he suffered a major life and career setback when he was almost killed in a car accident on the Hollywood Freeway. Consequently, he spent years enduring plastic surgery and physical therapy, the loss of his savings because of enormous hospital bills, a losing court case regarding the accident, and the disruption of his blooming career. Via IMDB